How to Clean Artificial Grass: Tips and Tricks for Keeping Your Lawn Fresh

Key Takeaways on how to clean artificial grass

  • Regular cleaning preserves the appearance and longevity of artificial grass.
  • Remove debris, rinse regularly, and use a mild detergent for stains.
  • Brush / Power Brush the grass to maintain its upright position and prevent matting.

If you’re tired of muddy footprints and unsightly patches on your natural grass lawn, consider switching to artificial grass. Although it requires less maintenance, you still need to clean and care for it regularly to keep it looking its best. In this article, we’ll provide you with helpful tips and tricks on how to clean artificial grass effectively and keep your lawn looking fresh for years to come.

Why Clean Artificial Grass?

Artificial grass is designed to be low-maintenance, but it still requires some attention to keep it in good condition. Regular cleaning can help to prevent mould, mildew, and bacteria growth, which can cause unpleasant odours and discolouration. Cleaning also helps to remove debris, dust, and other particles that can make your lawn look dull and uninviting. A well maintained lawn that is periodically cleaned is bound to last much longer. Most importantly, a clean, good looking lawn can make our break the aesthetics of your property.

So let us now discuss in depth on how to clean artificial grass!

How to Clean Artificial Grass: Step-by-Step Guide

Cleaning artificial grass is a simple process that can be done with basic household supplies. With just the basic tools and ingredients you can turn a messy lawn to as good as new. Here are the steps to follow on how to clean artificial grass:

Remove Debris

Start by removing any debris, such as leaves, twigs, and pet waste, from your lawn. You can use a plastic rake, leaf blower, or a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment to remove the debris.

Rinse with Water

Next, use a garden hose or a pressure washer to rinse your artificial grass. This will help to remove any dirt or dust that has accumulated on the surface. Be sure to use a low-pressure setting on your pressure washer to avoid damaging the grass fibres.

Treat Stains and Spills

Despite your best efforts, accidents can happen on your artificial grass. Whether it’s spilled food or drink, pet urine, or oil and grease stains, it’s important to treat them as soon as possible to prevent permanent damage.

For food and drink spills, use a mild detergent like dish soap mixed with warm water. Gently blot the area with a clean cloth or sponge until the spill is absorbed. Then, rinse the area with water and let it air dry.

For pet urine stains, it’s important to act quickly to prevent the odour from setting in. Use a clean towel or paper towel to blot up as much of the urine as possible. Then, use an enzyme cleaner to break down the proteins in the urine and eliminate the odour. Follow the instructions on the label and be sure to rinse the area thoroughly with water.

Read our article where we answer a question that our clients often ask us: My Synthetic Grass Smells Like Dog Pee: What Should I Do?

For oil and grease stains, use a degreaser like Simple Green or a mixture of water and vinegar. Apply the solution to the stain and let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing it away with a hose. If the stain is particularly stubborn, you may need to repeat the process a few times.

By treating stains and spills promptly, you can keep your artificial grass looking clean and fresh. If you have any questions about how to clean your synthetic lawn, don’t hesitate to contact a professional artificial grass installation and maintenance company like Jay’s Synthetic Grass.

Use Artificial Grass Cleaners

In addition to regular maintenance and cleaning, you can also use artificial grass cleaners to keep your lawn looking and smelling fresh. One such product is Jay Fresh, a specially formulated cleaner that is suitable for synthetic grass, pavers, and confined spaces. Jay Fresh can be used once or twice every week for 2-3 weeks depending on the level of soiling for the first couple of months, and then once every week/fortnight thereafter. Using Jay Fresh regularly can help to keep your artificial grass in great condition for years to come. There are other cleaners in the market, for instance this one from Bunnings – Synthetic Grass Deodoriser

Brush the Fibres

Finally, use a stiff-bristled broom or a power brush to fluff up the grass fibres and restore their natural appearance. This will also help to distribute the infill material evenly and prevent matting. From our experience, a power brush/broom is the best tool to keep your grass clean and in good condition.

Read our article on the importance of power brooms for synthetic grass to learn more.

Preventing Damage

To prevent damage to your artificial grass, there are a few things you should avoid. First, don’t use harsh chemicals or cleaners on the grass. This can damage the fibres and cause discolouration. Second, don’t park vehicles or heavy equipment on the grass. We do install areas for cars to park on but put a thick layer or road base under a thin layer of cracker dust to ensure the subsurface is structurally sound and able to cope with cars etc. We would also recommend a low pile grass so not to crush the grass too much. This can crush the fibres and create permanent damage.

Finally, be careful when using fire pits or barbecues near the grass. Sparks or embers can cause melting or burning of the grass fibres. It’s best to use a protective barrier like a fire-resistant mat or tray to prevent any damage.

How Often Should You Clean Artificial Grass?

The frequency of cleaning your Perth artificial grass depends on several factors, such as the amount of foot traffic, the presence of pets, and the climate. As a general rule, you should clean your lawn at least once a week to remove debris and prevent mould growth. For pet owners, it’s recommended to clean the lawn after every use to avoid unpleasant odours and bacteria buildup. You can also use artificial grass cleaners every once in a month.

In conclusion, maintaining and cleaning your artificial grass lawn is essential to keep it looking and feeling its best. By following these simple steps on how to clean artificial grass and using Jay Fresh or other artificial grass cleaners regularly, you can ensure that your lawn stays fresh, clean, and inviting for years to come.

If you have any more questions on how to clean artificial grass, feel free to contact our team of experts.