9 Key Benefits of Artificial Grass Installation at Home

Artificial grass, also known as synthetic turf, has become an increasingly popular option for homeowners looking to spruce up their outdoor spaces. In the past, artificial grass was often associated with sports fields and commercial properties, but advances in technology have made it a more realistic and affordable option for residential use.

There are a variety of benefits to choosing artificial grass for your home, ranging from practical considerations to aesthetic appeal. Let’s take a closer look at some of the top benefits of artificial grass installation on your property.

Top 9 Benefits of Artificial Grass for your home

Low Maintenance

One of the primary benefits of artificial grass is that it requires very little maintenance compared to natural grass. With natural grass, you need to water, fertilise, and mow it regularly to keep it healthy and looking its best. This can be time-consuming and expensive, particularly if you have a large lawn.

In contrast, artificial grass requires minimal upkeep. You don’t need to water it, fertilise it, or worry about weeds or pests. Once it’s installed, you can simply enjoy your lawn without any additional work.

Water Conservation

Water conservation is an increasingly important consideration for homeowners, particularly in areas where water is scarce or expensive. Natural grass requires a significant amount of water to stay healthy, particularly during dry or hot weather. This can lead to higher water bills and can contribute to water shortages in some areas.

Artificial grass, on the other hand, doesn’t require any water to stay green and lush. This can help you conserve water and reduce your environmental footprint, while still enjoying a beautiful artificial lawn.


Another advantage of artificial grass is that it’s incredibly durable and long-lasting. Natural grass can be easily damaged by heavy foot traffic, pets, and other factors. This can lead to bare patches and other unsightly issues, which require additional maintenance to repair.

Artificial grass, on the other hand, is designed to withstand heavy use and abuse. It can handle foot traffic, pets, and even sports activities without showing any signs of wear and tear. This means that you can enjoy your lawn without worrying about damage or repairs.

Cost Savings

While the upfront cost of installing artificial grass can be higher than natural grass, it can actually save you money in the long run. Natural grass requires ongoing maintenance, including watering, fertilising, and mowing. These costs can add up over time, particularly if you have a large lawn.

Artificial grass, on the other hand, doesn’t require any ongoing maintenance costs. Once it’s installed, you don’t need to worry about watering, fertilising, or mowing it. This can save you a significant amount of money over the lifetime of your lawn.

Improved Aesthetics

One of the most significant benefits of artificial grass is that it can help improve the overall aesthetics of your property. Natural grass can be difficult to maintain and keep looking its best, particularly if you live in an area with harsh weather conditions or poor soil quality. This can detract from the appearance of your home and reduce your curb appeal.

Artificial grass, on the other hand, always looks perfect. It’s designed to stay green and lush, regardless of the weather or soil conditions. This can help enhance the overall appearance of your home and make it more inviting to guests and potential buyers.


Artificial grass is also an eco-friendly option for your home. As mentioned earlier, it doesn’t require water, which can help you conserve water resources in your community. Additionally, artificial turf doesn’t require any chemical treatments, such as pesticides or herbicides, to keep it looking healthy. This can help reduce your exposure to harmful chemicals and protect the environment from contamination.

Furthermore, synthetic grass is often made from recycled materials, such as plastic bottles or rubber tires. This can help reduce waste in landfills and promote sustainability. Many manufacturers also use environmentally-friendly production processes, such as using renewable energy or minimising water use during production.


If you have pets, artificial grass can be a particularly attractive option for your home. Natural grass can be easily damaged by pets, particularly if they like to dig or play rough. This can lead to bare patches or other unsightly issues, which require additional maintenance to repair.

Artificial grass, on the other hand, is designed to withstand pet activity. It can handle digging, running, and playing without showing any signs of wear and tear. Additionally, synthetic turf doesn’t attract insects or pests, which can help protect your pets from flea or tick infestations.

Check out our range of Pet friendly turf

Safe for Children

Among all the benefits of artificial grass, this one is the most important for families with younger children. Artificial grass is safe for children to play on. Natural grass can be filled with dirt, mud, and other debris, which can be harmful to children who are playing outside. Additionally, natural grass can be easily damaged by children playing rough or running around.

Artificial grass, on the other hand, provides a clean and safe surface for children to play on. It’s designed to be soft and cushioned, which can help reduce the risk of injury if children fall or trip. Additionally, synthetic turf doesn’t attract insects or pests, which can help protect children from bites or stings.

Variety of Options

Finally, one of the final benefits of artificial grass is that it comes in a variety of options, allowing you to choose the perfect option for your home. You can choose from a range of colours, textures, and pile heights to create a custom look that fits your style and needs. Additionally, you can choose between different types of infill materials, such as sand (check-out our aguachill sand) or rubber, to provide additional cushioning and support.


In summary, artificial grass is an excellent option for homeowners looking to enhance the appearance of their outdoor spaces while enjoying the practical benefits it offers. The low maintenance requirements, water conservation, durability, cost savings, improved aesthetics, eco-friendliness, pet-friendly, and safety for children are some of the top benefits of artificial grass.

If you’re considering upgrading your lawn, synthetic turf is an excellent option to consider. With its many benefits and customisable options, it’s a smart investment that can enhance the value and enjoyment of your home for years to come.

If you are looking for Artificial Grass in Perth, do visit our website to see our wide range of products. We offer professional supply and installation services at most affordable prices.